Free anxiety depression test
Free Anxiety Test:
Assess your anxiety, stress and depression (HAD Test)

Results: Your Anxiety and Depression:

Anxiety: Normal anxiety. Congratulation!

Depression: No depression. Congratulation!

Your score anxiety:       2 / 21 points (anxiety abnormal > 11 points)
Your score depression: 2 / 21 points (depression > 11 points)

If your anxiety score is greater than 11, you're anxious. If your depression score is greater than 11, you are depressed, and you should consult a doctor.

Interpretation of your Results:

You don’t have psychological stress. You manage anxiety as a « normal » reaction in your daily life. Feelings of fear and worry don’t exist for you without an identifiable stimulus. Your emotional response to perceived threats is « normal ».

You are a happy person, with a good self esteem and equal mood. You enjoy and feel interest in your daily activities. The illness « depression » is far from you.

If you want more information about your anxiety, you can take the anxiety test for free, an accurate test developed by psychologists for stress, worry, depression.

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Free Anxiety Tests
How to deal with anxiety