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Entrepreneur Test

personality test

Number of questions: 85 | Duration: 10 min
Users: 3 million | Price of report:  $ 6.50

Entrepreneur TestAre you ready to be your own boss?

Do you dream to have your own company? Do you know how to use your strenghts and motivations to achive your dream ? Are you self reliant, innovative, ambitious enough to be successful in your business ?

The Entrepreneur Test will help you to:

  • find out your entrepreneurial personality traits
  • identify your strenghts and aspects to improve in order to be successful entrepreneur
  • discover what type of entrepreneur you will be.


More information about the Entrepreneur Test

The Enterpreneur Test will help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses and
maximize your chance to become a successful business owner..

 Your personalized report gives you:

  • A detailed assessment of your qualities and skills:
          *Qualities: Power of persuasion, Need for achievement, autonomy and responsibility, Self-confidence and optimism, Perseverance and tenacity, Stress tolerance and adaptability, Creativity and initiative.
           *Skills: Experience commercial capacity in management, marketing, communication, finance, law, computer, business and international awareness.
  • Your profile of entrepreneur: Inventor / technician, Self, Entrepreneur merchant; Manager / buyer; Entrepreneur start-up.
  • Your strengths and areas for improvement.

  • An assessment of your technical skills

The Entrepreneur Test was developed and validated by Central Test psychologists on a representative sample of the English speaking population. Central Test is the leader in personality, ability and career testing with more than 3,500 clients and two million internet users.