Free social anxiety test
Free Anxiety Test:
Assess your social anxiety with a social test (phobia)

Results: Your Social Anxiety Level (LSAS test)

No Social Anxiety. Congratulations!

Your score of social anxiety: 0 / 144 points (fear 0 + avoidance 0)

The scoring scale:
55-65: Moderate social phobia
65-80: Marked social phobia
80-95: Severe social phobia
Greater than 95: Very severe social phobia

Interpretation of your Results:

The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale indicates you don´t have a social phobia, and your level of anxiety and avoidance is normal. You don’t have psychological stress. You like to enjoy life with people. Your emotional response to anxiety is « normal ».

If you want more information about your anxiety, you can take the anxiety test for free, an accurate test developed by psychologists for stress, worry, depression.

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Free Anxiety Tests
How to deal with anxiety